CHIN 0700 or the instructor’s permission
Lee, Kunshan, Hsin-hsin Liang, Liwei Jiao, Julian Wheatley. The Routledge Advanced Chinese Multimedia Course文化纵横观, 2nd edition, Routledge, 2014.
Dr. Jiajia Wang (
Course Description:
This course is a continuation of CHIN 0700 Advanced Chinese I and is designed to enhance students’ Chinese language ability at the advanced level. Students are expected to master more advanced-level vocabulary, structures, and expression through topics reflecting the 21st-century Chinese society and culture. Students will continue to learn how to summarize and respond to main arguments using supporting evidence from the text and how to express their opinions in an organized way. With a gradually increased load of vocabulary, students will improve their skills in speaking and reading at the advanced level. Students will also begin to read materials written or produced mainly for native speakers. By completing this course, students are expected to be able to narrate, describe, and comment on various common topics, such as marriage, food culture, Confucianism, architecture, education, and democracy at the advanced level.
Sample Text (Entry): L6 婚姻观的改变
Sample Text (Exit): L11 民主渐进