Advanced Business Chinese—Economy and Commerce in a Changing China and the Changing World, 《高级经贸汉语》 by Fangyuan Yuan, Yale University Press, 2004 (Penn Bookstore, Amazon)
Advanced Chinese Through Business Topics, Reading and Video, 《经贸面面谈》, by Lili Teng Foti, Li Rongzhen, MyChineseClass LLC, 2020. (Amazon)
Course Description:
Advanced Business Chinese is a one-year language course for business purposes, designed for students who have studied Chinese for four years or more in a regular college program or with the equivalent language proficiency. This course aims to promote students’ understanding of modern China from its economic development history and business perspective. It also aims to enhance learners’ overall Chinese language skills in vocabulary, news viewing, reading, writing, and speaking in the contexts of business and economy. Yuan’s textbook 《经贸汉语》contains authentic articles selected from newspapers, academic journals and the Internet up to the early 2000 focusing on China’s entering to the WTO. Foti’s 2020 textbook 《经贸面面谈》 provides current business practices and trends. Topics of Chin 1060 and 1065, thus range from China’s foreign trade strategies after entering the WTO, the impacts of China’s economic reform on its people and society, to controversial topics such as globalization, US-China trade war, government and business relation, as well as China’s M&A overseas.
Through reading, discussing, writing, viewing and giving presentations, learning objectives of the course are to: 1) examine modern Chinese economic development in depth; 2) accurately and actively use business language in context; 3) analyze and interpret business-related journal articles, video clips, visual images, and speeches; 4) research and write about a business issue that students care about
Sample Text (Entry):
世界贸易组织,简称世贸组织或世贸会,成立于 1995 年 1 月 1 日,前身是关税贸易协定。世界贸易组织是世界上最大的多变贸易组织,现有成员国 140 余个,贸易总量占世界贸易总量的 95%以上。(From Lesson 1 《世界贸易组织简介》)
Sample Text (Exit):
迄今为止,支持和反对全球化两派阵营的辩论还在进行,但全球化并未因两派争论 未果而暂停,我们可以感觉到它的处处存在。(From Last Chapter 《围绕全球化的争论》)