CHIN 0431 Intermediate Cantonese II (formerly CHIN 142)


CHIN 0331



粤语速成(中级教材)from commercial press



Ms. Yan Huang (


Course Descriptions

Intermediate Cantonese is a course for students who are able to communicate in the dialect in basic survival situations. Through this course, the students will further deepen their understanding of Cantonese and its related culture, and can confidently cope with a wide range of situations such as improving living condition, experiencing Hong Kong cuisine, international metropolis transportation, gentrification and crimes in Hong Kong, focusing environment, social justice and discussion of the education system. Classes will be conducted through Cantonese textbooks, discussions of various topics such as living conditions in Hong Kong and the United States, and different education systems. As well as composition and presentation of students’ own dialogues so that in time they may express more complex ideas and feelings such as the history of HK and their cuisine, environmental discrimination, and systemic crimes in HK.


Sample Text (Entry):

Fāanlàih hēunggóng jyuh bīndouh hóu nē? Ji-lèuhng yātgā búnlòih jyuhhōi gūngguhng ūkchyūn ge, jī hauh būnjóyahp gēuiūk. Kéuihdeih yìhgā jyuhge dāanwái yáuh luhkbaakgéi chek, sāam fóng yāttēng, hái hēunggóngdéi, dōu syun géi futlohk ge la.

返嚟香港住邊度好呢?志良一家本來住開公共屋邨嘅,之後搬咗入居屋。佢哋而家住嘅單位有六百幾尺, 三房一廳,係香港地,都算幾開落嘅啦。

Làihbaaiyaht, kéuihdeih dá dihnwá héi būn ūk gūngsī aaijó ga chē, yauh chéngjó géigo pàhngyáuh bōngsáu, yātyaht jauh būnhóusaai la. Méihlìhng juhng hái haaktēng gwahéi léuhngfūk fūnggíngwá, báaijó léuhng pùhn pùhnjōi, chēung ngoihbihn yauh mohngdóu go fāyún, gogo dōu wah kéuihdeih ge sāngēui hóu leng, hóu syūfuhk. (From Lesson 1 《Góisihn sàngwuht tìuhgín》)

禮拜日, 佢哋打電話俾搬屋公司咗駕車,又請咗幾個朋友幫手,一日就搬好晒啦。美玲仲係客廳掛起兩幅風景畫,擺咗兩盆盆栽,窗外便又望倒個花園,個個都話佢哋嘅新居好靚, 好舒服。


Sample Text (Exit):

Hēunggóng ge jūngsíu hohsāang jānhaih hóuchíh dī daaihyàhn gam mòhng. Ngóh siuhohk gójahnsìh ngūkkéi jauh yáuh bōng ngóh chéng bóujaahp sīnsāang. Chèuihjó fāanhohk tùhng jouh gūngfo, jauhhaih wānsyū, bóujaahp, hohkkàhm, gānbún móuh wáan ge sìhngaan. Jūnghohk jauh heui bóujaahpséh. Bātgwo góngfāan jyuntàuh, bóujaahp dōu yáuhyuhng ge. Dī sīnsāang gaau dī yingsi geihháau béi néih, bōng néih wánmàaih jīlíu, béimàaih “tīpsí” néih. Wuihháau gihngjāng gam gīkliht, yùhgwó mbóujaahp, ngóh mjī duhk mduhkdóu daaihhohk. (From Lesson 10 《Tóuleuhn gaauyuhk jaidouh 》)
