CHIN 0200, CHIN 0210 or the instructor’s permission
A New China (《新的中国》), Chou Chih-p’ing et al. Princeton University Press, 2011.
Ms. Xiaomeng Zhang (
Course Descriptions:
This course seeks to educate students to be global citizens. This goal is aimed to be accomplished through the studies of the Chinese language, society, and culture. Culturally, students are expected to acquire broad cultural knowledge, an awareness of the nature of the culture associated with the target language, skills to recognize culture-specific perspectives and values embedded in language behavior, and flexibility and openness of mind in negotiating cultural differences. Linguistically, students will receive the training to speak, comprehend, read and write Mandarin Chinese at an intermediate level, which will allow them to participate in basic everyday conversations and read and write simple texts such as short essays, letters, forms, etc. Topics introduced in this course include first impressions of China, Chinese college life, daily routines, mailing packages at the post office, exchanging money at the bank, and bargaining at the market. This course also meets the needs of students with an interest in traveling or studying in China or other Mandarin-speaking areas in the future.
Sample Text (Entry):
北京给我的第一个印象是海关的检查很松,没有我想的那么严。从机场到城里的高速公路又宽又平,非常现代化。这和我想象中古老的北京完全不同。(From Lesson 1 《到了北京》)
Sample Text (Exit):
-我今天逛古董市场,买了一幅山水画儿,便宜极了。那个老板本来要一千块钱,后来五百块就卖给我了。(From Lesson 10 《讲价》)