CHIN 0320 or the instructor’s permission
- Oh, China! (中国啊!中国):Modern Chinese Reader for Advanced Beginner/ Chih-ping Chou, Princeton University, 2011 (OC).
- Ang Lee(李安: 游走在中西文化之间的电影大师): Chinese Biographies, 2nd Edition Pinyin Annotation Graded Readers/ Grace Wu, Cheng & Tsui Co., Boston, 2016. (AL)
Ms. Grace Wu (
This course is designed for students who can speak Chinese but cannot read and write in Chinese characters. The course concentrates on writing multi-paragraph essays through the use of conventional rhetorical modes and standard grammatical structures. Students will be given ample time to think and to discuss (the crucial “brainstorming” phase) before writing. The course stresses content as well as form and draws this content from students’ personal experiences, assigned readings and other stimuli such as Internet materials, newspaper readings and films. By the end of the term, students are expected to be able to write well-developed paragraphs with clear topic sentences and supporting details, develop an understanding of the descriptive, narrative and comparative rhetorical pattern of expression, write short answers to content-based questions that require definition and argumentation, recognize and write approximately 1000-1200 Chinese characters and become an independent reader with the help of online resources. Topics covered in this course include learning the Chinese language, stories about immigration, Chinese geography, the future of Chinatown, Chinese biographies, etc.
Sample Text (Entry):
生长在中国国家庭里的美国孩子和父母之间的距离往往比一般美国孩子更大。一般孩子和父母的距离主要是年龄的不同, 也就是所谓“代沟”。但是华裔美国孩子和父母之间除了有“代沟”以外, 经常还有语言和文化上的距离。
From Lesson 12《做孩子也不容易》
Sample Text (Exit):
最近几年来, 华裔美国人在各方面都有极高的成就,从学术研究到经商,贸易都有极成功的例子。但是在政治上华裔美国人就不如其他族裔的美国人那么成功。从参议院到国会以至于地方政府, 华裔都缺少有力的代表。
From Lesson 21《华裔需不需要政治代表》