CHIN 0420, CHIN 0600 or the instructor’s permission
Materials compiled by the instructor
Mr. Chih-jen Lee (
Course Descriptions:
This course is a content-based language course that offers Mandarin training to medical and nursing students and other health-related professionals who may need to visit China or to serve Chinese-speaking patients with limited English proficiency. This course aims to improve patient care in the Chinese community by reducing language and cultural barriers. It will enhance learners’ overall language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in the context of clinical healthcare settings. Topics of this course include medical terminology related to multiple body systems, ranging from Circulatory, Respiratory, and Digestive to Urinary, Reproductive, and Endocrine Systems. Chinese culture related to the healthcare field will also be introduced, such as the theory and practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Chinese culture on mental health, death, sex, pregnancy and childbirth will also be introduced. This course will also discuss public health issues in China, such as eldercare, pandemics, healthcare systems, pharmaceutical industry, etc.
Sample Text #1:
适量献血可以降低血脂。由于体力活动的减少和生活水平的提高,很多人的血脂长期处于较高的水平。脂肪堆积在血管壁上,容易导致动脉硬化,血管弹性降低。经常献血,减少了一部分粘稠的血液,血脂就会下降,从而减轻了动脉硬化的隐患。(From Topic 1 血液系统)
Sample Text #2:
所谓“经济舱综合症”,又叫“下肢静脉血栓”,它是指乘坐飞机经济舱的乘客,由于长时间坐在相对狭小的座位上不动,导致双下肢静脉血液循环不畅通,发生凝固形成血栓,下飞机活动后血栓脱落,并随血液流经右心室到达肺动脉,阻塞肺动脉,即医学上所说的“肺栓塞”,其后果轻者引起呼吸困难、胸痛等,重者可引起猝死。(From Topic 2 循环系统)