APS Conference for Undergraduate
Women in Physics
APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics
January 19 – 21, 2024
University of Pennsylvania
The primary goal of this three-day American Physical Society (APS) CUWiP conference is to help undergraduate women thrive in physics. We welcome applications from people across the entire gender spectrum, and the spectrum of interests in science including physics and related disciplines. We aim to provide the opportunity to experience a professional conference, gather information about graduate school and professions in physics, and network with a diverse set of physicists of all ages, race and gender, with whom you can share experiences, advice and ideas.
The CUWiP program includes research talks, panel discussions about graduate school and careers in physics, workshops and discussions, student research talks and poster sessions, and laboratory tours. Meals, coffee breaks, a gala dinner, and conference housing are additional opportunities for new friendships, and to strengthen your identity as a physics person.
The keynote presentation will be given by Dr. Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Oxford. She was responsible for the discovery of pulsars while a radio astronomy graduate student in Cambridge and has subsequently worked in gamma ray, X-ray, infrared and millimetre wavelength astronomy.

Register now!
Undergraduate students: Use the link provided by the APS to register
All other non-undergraduate participants, including speakers / workshop presenters / career fair presenters / volunteers:

Image credit: Unnati Akhouri
Sign up now to volunteer:
We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help us with the organization of the conference.
Please sign up here:
Note: To keep track of the numbers, undergraduate volunteers should also apply for the conference using the central APS website.
Non-undergraduate participants should also register here.
Thank you for helping women in physics!
Sign up now to present:
We are looking for enthusiastic graduate students and postdocs to present at the conference.
Please sign up here:
Thank you for helping women in physics!
COVID Policy:
APS has updated their guidelines and proof of vaccination is no longer required to attend the conference. See APS COVID guidelines here. Masking, vaccinations, and testing beforehand are all still strongly recommended.
Links to other CUWiP sites:
- Missouri University of Science & Technology
- Boston College & Wellesley College
- University of Arizona
- Clemson University
- Stanford University & SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- Montana State University
- University of San Diego
- United State Military Academy, West Point
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- City University of New York, Graduate Center
- Tulane University
- West Virginia University
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Canadian Site TBA