1/25/2023: Linda Pheng to speak at an Education, Culture and Society (ECS) Colloquium: “Disrupting Displacement: Belonging in Community-Based Spaces for Southeast Asian Refugee Youth.”

Linda Pheng will share her work at an upcoming Education, Culture and Society (ECS) Colloquium:

Disrupting Displacement: Belonging in Community-Based Spaces for Southeast Asian Refugee Youth


Wednesday, January 25, 2023 – 2:30pm to 4:00pm
3440 Market St., 5th Floor Catalyst Room, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
Please check this event’s page at Penn GSE for any updates on this talk. 



Please join our colleagues in the Education, Culture and Society program as they welcome Linda Pheng for her colloquium. Linda Pheng is a doctoral candidate at the University of Wisconsin.