3/25/2024 @ 4PM – E&I Works in Progress – Manuel Schechtl, CUNY Graduate Center – “Understanding Wealth-Based Social Exclusion: Wealth Insufficiency Beyond Income Buffering”

 E&I Works in Progress Understanding Wealth-Based Social Exclusion: Wealth Insufficiency Beyond Income Buffering Manuel Schechtl, Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality at the CUNY Graduate Center Mon, March 25, 4pm – 5pm 367 McNeil – Sociology Conference Room 3718 Locust Walk,… Continue Reading

5/10/2024 @ 10AM – E&I/CECI/IEDP Event– Noam Angrist, Oxford, Building Resilient Education Systems: Evidence from Large-Scale Randomized Trials in Five Countries

Building Resilient Education Systems: Evidence from Large-Scale Randomized Trials in Five Countries Co-sponsored by the Penn Education and Inequality Workshop, the Climate, Environment, and Childhood Inequalities (CECI) Project, and the GSE International Educational Development Program  Education systems need to withstand… Continue Reading

12/4/2023 @ 4PM: Workshop with Manya Oriel Kagan, Penn Perry World House, Mainstreaming refugee children in national educational systems: Refugee children in primary schools in Kampala, Uganda

Please join us on 12/4/2023 @ 4PM for a workshop with Manya Oriel Kagan, Penn Perry World House. Title: Mainstreaming refugee children in national educational systems: Refugee children in primary schools in Kampala, Uganda. Location: 3718 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104… Continue Reading