Hello, World!
Are you a PhD student or postdoc in Harmonic Analysis who is going to be on the job market in Fall 2024? Have you been thinking about making use of some other types of media to compliment your research and teaching statements to better present yourself as a job candidate? This series is created exactly for you! Anyone who is interested is welcome to sign up to post a 20-30 minutes video to introduce your academic works, background, and future plans. The talks are recommended to be made accessible to a general analysis audience and uploaded during the job application season, ideally by the end of November. Feel free to include the link to the talk in your job application portfolio.
Even if you are not going to be on the job market this year, or you simply want to share some of your research to the community, you are still more than welcome to participate! An important goal of this series is to help early career colleagues gain visibility for their research and gives the broader community an opportunity to learn about the great new results and researchers in the field!
To participate, please use this form to sign up. We will then email you further instructions and links to upload your video.
Lingxiao Zhang (UW-Madison) 2022 – Real analytic singular Radon transforms with product kernels: necessity of the Stein-Street condition
Lingxiao Zhang is a PhD student at University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Dr. Brian Street. Lingxiao is expected to graduate in summer 2023. MSC2020 codes: 42B20, Keywords: singular radon transforms Abstract: Talk about a necessary and sufficient condition for...
Tongou Yang (UBC) 2021 – Decoupling for smooth surfaces in R3
Tongou Yang obtained his PhD at the University of British Columbia in 2021, advised by Dr. Malabika Pramanik. Tongou is currently a postdoctoral fellow at UBC. MSC2020 codes: 42B99 For each d≥0, we prove decoupling inequalities in R3 for the graphs of all bivariate...
Changkeun Oh (UW-Madison) 2021 – Decoupling inequalities for quadratic forms
Changkeun Oh is a PhD student at University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Dr. Shaoming Guo. Changkeun is expected to graduate in May 2022. MSC2020 codes: 42B25 Maximal functions We discuss some recent progress on decoupling inequalities for some translation- and...
Liding Yao (UW-Madison) 2021 – Sharp Hölder Regularity for Nirenberg’s Complex Frobenius Theorem
Liding Yao is a PhD student at University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Dr. Brian Street. Liding is expected to graduate in 2022. 58A30 (Primary), 32A50 and 57R55 (Secondary)
Itamar Oliveira (Cornell) 2021 – A new approach to the Fourier extension problem for P^d
Itamar Oliveira is a PhD student at Cornell University, advised by Dr. Camil Muscalu. Itamar is expected to graduate in May 2022. 42B99. We go over some recent results in the linear/multilinear Fourier extension theory. Under weaker transversality hypotheses, we can...
Rajula Srivastava (UW-Madison) 2021 – Lebesgue space estimates for spherical maximal functions on Heisenberg groups
Rajula Srivastava is a PhD student at University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Dr. Andreas Seeger. Rajula is expected to graduate in July 2022. MSC2020 codes: 42B20 Singular and oscillatory integrals, 42B25 Maximal functions We discuss almost sharp Lebesgue space...
Jianhui Li (UW-Madison) 2021 – Decoupling for smooth surfaces in R3
Jianhui Li is a PhD student at University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Dr. Betsy Stovall. Jianhui is expected to graduate in July 2023. MSC2020 code: 42B99 (Primary), 53A05 (Secondary) Key words: Decoupling, Gaussian curvature. In this video, a decoupling result...
Nathan Wagner (WUSTL) 2021 – Weighted estimates for the Bergman and Szegő projections
Nathan Wagner is a PhD student at Washington University in St. Louis, advised by Dr. Brett Wick. Nathan is expected to graduate in May 2022. Topics: 32A50 Keywords: Bergman projection, Szegő projection, Bekolle-Bonami weights In this video, I introduce weighted...
John Green (Edinburgh) 2021 – Estimates for oscillatory integrals via sublevel set estimates
John Green is a PhD student at University of Edinburgh, advised by Dr. James Wright. John is expected to graduate in June 2022. Primary MSC2020 code: 42B20 Key words: Oscillatory integrals, sublevel sets In the video I talk about who I am and some of my research. The...
Himani Sharma (ANU) 2021 – Spectral multiplier estimates in Lp for abstract differential operators
Himani Sharma is a PhD student at The Australian National University, advised by Dr. Pierre Portal. Himani is expected to graduate in February 2022. MSC2020- 47A60, 42B20, 42A45, 47D03, 47F05 Key Words: spectral multiplier estimates, Phillips calculus, Hörmander...