

Proof mining focuses on extracting quantitative data from classical mathematical proofs using logic tools, such as functional interpretation. In some sense, proof mining can be viewed as a partial revival of Hilbert’s grand program to reduce infinitary mathematics to finitary objects in (higher-order) arithmetic. My thesis project is to structurally extend existing methodologies in proof mining to continuous model theory.

Besides my thesis project, some of my logic interests include

  • Proof theory in general
  • Nonclassical logics, especially fuzzy logics and substructural logics
  • Constructive mathematics
  • Set-theoretic and type-theoretic foundations
  • Proof assistants
  • Categorical logic


  • Approximate Completeness of Hypersequent Calculus for First-Order Łukasiewicz Logic, submitted. Preprint version available on ArXiv.

You can find my CV here.


Here are some slides of  my previous talks.


I also have ongoing projects formalizing Tarski geometry and Proof Theory in Lean.