The E-dub-lal-mah at Ur

by | Dec 30, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

On November 8th, 2021 the team of the Lagash Archaeological Project visited the site of Ur. At the request of the State Board for Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH), the project’s drone was used to photograph the E-dub-lal-mah shrine near the Great Ziggurat. The photographs were uploaded to DroneDeploy to be processed into a highly detailed 3D photogrammetric model, and copies of that completed model, as well as the source photographs, have been turned over to SBAH for their conservation efforts.

A slightly simplified but still very realistic copy of the 3D model has been uploaded to Sketchfab for the general public to enjoy.

Thumbnail of the E-dub-lal-mah structure on Sketchfab.