Our Programs
Netter Center offers multiple programs at different locations.
Bridges to Wealth (B2W) is an innovative financial empowerment program focused on students, parents, and local community partners. B2W’s goal is to increase the wealth-generating capabilities of families living in underserved neighborhoods to address the country’s wealth divide. Penn students will gain experience in data collection and analysis and implement evidence-based collaborative financial literacy and entrepreneurship curricula in high schools. Training, professional development, and classroom support will be provided.
Contact: Jill Bazelon, gbazelon@sas.upenn.edu
Rising 7th & 8th grade students will explore high school/college pathways, research various types of careers and develop portfolios on their career pathways. Lessons and activities will build a range of 21st century skills including communication, collaboration, goal setting, writing, media literacy. Program associates will support students in their exploration activities and skill development. Other tasks may include: supporting students and families through the enrollment process, reviewing and updating curriculum and lesson plans, recruiting guest speakers, planning field trips, leading enrichment activities, etc.
Contact: Candace Eaton, eatonc@sas.upenn.edu
The Netter Center is currently seeking Student-Interns to join the virtual Robeson High School Summer Enrichment Program (RSEP) staff. RSEP will support 30 rising 10th-grade students across biology, algebra, and writing. Explorations in nursing will be offered to a select group from the 30 participating students. RSEP will run from June 28, 2021 – August 6, 2021. Student-Interns will work directly with lead RSEP teachers to plan and implement lessons. Student-Interns will also instruct small groups of program students in the aforementioned content areas. Instructional programming in biology, algebra and writing will take place, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 9:00 AM – 12:40 PM (A 45-minute lunch break is embedded within that time frame). Students participating in Nursing HRT will end their instructional days at 1:30 PM as Nursing HRT is scheduled from 12:45 PM – 1:30 PM on Tuesdays – Thursdays. All other students will conclude with programming at 12:40 PM. Staff will report on Fridays, from 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM, to support student writing sessions and on Mondays, from 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM, for staff planning meetings.
Contact: Richard Carter, carterri@sas.upenn.edu
The Cross-Grade Sports Program provides professional development and coaches training to high school youth who will lead/assist sports, fitness and socialized recess programs in our K-6 summer camps. Sports Associates will assist the high school youth in planning and implementing the sports activities, as well as, planning and executing an all-camp field day for K-6 campers.
Contact: Paulette Branson, pbranson@sas.upenn.edu
The Center for Public Health Initiatives (CPHI) and the Netter Center Educational Pipeline Program are seeking to hire online facilitators to oversee the Public Health Pipeline Plus (PHPP) summer program, which will be a hybrid program that will be virtual two days per week and in-person 3 days per week. Public Health Pipeline Plus is part of the Philadelphia Youth Network WorkReady Summer Program. PHPP will have approximately 15-20 high school student interns participating in the program. Please note that the schedule for PHPP is currently being reworked as the program shifts to this hybrid model. The program will run from June 28th – August 6th, for approximately 3 hours each day, but facilitators will be needed for additional amounts of time for preparing lessons and supporting the students.
The Netter Center Evaluation Data Team works with University-Assisted Community Schools on data collection and evaluation of school day and out-of-school-time programs to measure engagement and impact. This includes working with all stakeholders: Penn and K-12 students, faculty, teachers and staff, and others.
Contact: applytonccpevaluation@gmail.com
Agatston Urban Nutrition Initiative (AUNI) Overview: AUNI, a program of the Netter Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania, engages, educates and empowers youth, university students, and community members to promote healthy lifestyles and build a just and sustainable food system.
The AUNI Youth Development Program will provide 6-week paid summer work experiences to approximately 55 area high school students. AUNI empowers youth interns to explore and identify solutions to the problem of health disparities in Philadelphia via their placement in either peer nutrition education or urban agriculture worksites in West and Southwest Philadelphia. By teaching healthy cooking classes, tending school gardens, and operating a local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), youth interns enrich their local neighborhoods, increase access to healthy food, and improve community and school health while building leadership capacity and developing workplace and entrepreneurial skills.
Cinematographer – Rebel Ventures
Rebel Ventures is a nonprofit food business run by a team of high-school and Penn students with the mission to create delicious, healthy, and sustainable snacks that are available to everyone. The Cinematographer is charged with supporting the creation of video content for the Rebel Ventures. This involves training and oversight of storyboarding, filming, and editing. more information can be found here: http://www.rvcrew.com/
Experience in and passion for video production (filming, editing, etc). We use Premier to edit videos. We seek proactive, enthusiastic, ambitious self-starters who are comfortable exploring new places and meeting new people. We seek open-minded individuals who are able to work both independently and collaboratively.
You must love to cook, eat, and share food! You must find meaning in working with young people.
Entrepreneur – Rebel Ventures
Rebel Ventures is a youth-powered social enterprise creating healthy deliciousness with kids and adult allies in schools and in our community. The Rebel crew consists of high school students, Netter Center staff, and Penn students entrepreneurs. The crew works together, following Rebel values, to run a successful business. The entrepreneur(s) is responsible for overseeing day-to-day operations of the Rebel crew. Entrepreneurs will take on specific responsibilities depending on their skill sets and interest, ranging from accounting to marketing to research/development to sales to design. www.rvcrew.com
We seek proactive, enthusiastic, ambitious self-starters who are comfortable exploring new places and meeting new people. We seek open-minded individuals who are able to work both independently and collaboratively. Specialized skill in graphic design, data analysis, and/or social media is a plus.You must love to cook, eat, and share food! You must find meaning in working with young people.
HUP-Cedar Internship
The Center for Public Health Initiatives (CPHI) and the Netter Center Educational Pipeline Program are seeking to hire online facilitators to oversee the Public Health Pipeline Plus (PHPP) summer program, which will be a hybrid program that will be virtual two days per week and in-person 3 days per week. Public Health Pipeline Plus is part of the Philadelphia Youth Network WorkReady Summer Program. PHPP will have approximately 15-20 high school student interns participating in the program. Please note that the schedule for PHPP is currently being reworked as the program shifts to this hybrid model. The program will run from June 28th – August 6th, for approximately 3 hours each day, but facilitators will be needed for additional amounts of time for preparing lessons and supporting the students.
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