MNova NMR license

The license file “nmr_2023.lic” expired on 11/18/2024. MNova NMR license has been renewed and will be valid till 11/18/2025.

Who can request the license?

  • The NMR Facility purchased the MNova NMR campus license that is intended exclusively for Chemistry personnel.
  • With a limited number of licenses, individuals outside of the Chemistry department must pay an annual fee of $100 per seat to obtain access if there are seats available. Please email to for details.

Where to fill the request?

  • Fill to the form to request a MNova NMR license at
  • The “2024_Mnova_NMR_license_files” folder in the Penn Box will be shared with you (please make sure your Penn Box is activated). There are three license files for you to download.
  • Please save the license files to your local computer. You can access the file till November, 2025 and NO need to re-fill the request form.

How to activate the license?

  • On-campus activation: the license server can be accessed when a computer connects the internet via Ethernet Cable or via AirPennNet with your PennKey login.
  • Off-campus activation: the license server can be accessed via SAS VPN.
  • When the MNova starts, you will see the window “Registration Wizard”.
    • If you can’t see it, please double click the “Licenses” at the right bottom corner, and the window of Registration Wizard will pop up.
  • In the window of Registration Wizard, click the button “install” and select the license files that are saved in your computer. After restarting the software, the license will be activated.

MNova NMR License Renewed

The license file “nmr_2021.lic” is expired today. MNova NMR license has been renewed and will be valid till 11/18/2023.

Who can request the license?

  • Since we have limited number of licenses, the license file is only available to Chemistry Department personnel.

 When to fill the request?

  • The license needs to be re-activated with the old license file “lic”. (The license needs to be activated every three months)
  • New version MNova software is installed with old license file “lic”. The newest version MNova 14.3.1 can be downloaded at

Where to fill the request?

  • Fill to the form to request a MNova NMR license at
  • The “mnova_NMR_license” folder in the Penn Box will be shared to you (please make sure your Penn Box is activated). There are three license files for you to download.
  • Please save the license files to your local computer. You can access the file till November, 2023and NO need to re-fill the request form.

How to activate the license?

  • On-campus activation: the license server can be accessed when a computer connects the internet via Ethernet Cable or via AirPennNet with your PennKey login.
  • Off-campus activation: the license server can be accessed via SAS VPN.
  • When the MNova starts, you will see the window “Registration Wizard”.
    • If you can’t see it, please double click the “Licenses” at the right bottom corner, and the window of Registration Wizard will be popped up.
  • In the window of Registration Wizard, click the button “install” and select the license files that saved in your computer. After restarting the software, the license will be activated.

MetraNova NMR License has been renewed

MNova NMR license has been renewed and will be valid till 11/18/2022.

Who can request the license?

  • Since we have limited number of licenses, the license file is only available to Chemistry Department personnel.

 When to fill the request?

  • The license needs to be re-activated with old license file “nmr_2020.lic”. (The license needs to be activated every three months)
  • New version MNova software is installed with old license file “nmr_2020.lic”

Where to fill the request?

  • Fill to the form to request an MNova Account at
  • The new license file “nmr_2021.lic” will be shared to you via Penn Box, and please save the file to your local computer. You can access the file till November, 2022 and NO need to re-fill the request form.

How to activate the license?

  • On-campus activation: the license server can be accessed when a computer connects the internet via Ethernet Cable or via AirPennNet with your PennKey login.
  • Off-campus activation: the license server can be accessed via SAS VPN.

NMR Facility Guidelines

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we have created a new set of guidelines for using the NMR facility. They can be found in our updated NMR Facility Handout: here


  • Everyone will wear appropriate PPE (i.e. goggles, face mask, )
  • Wash your hands before entering the room and after leaving the room
    • Equipment and doorknobs will be sanitized as regularly as possible

Maintaining Social Distancing

  • Do not visit the basement NMR lab or the NMR labs on the 3rd and 4th floors if you are not running an experiment
  • No more gatherings in the NMR area
    • All NMR training sessions are provided as a hybrid mode. Please email to to request the training.
    • One assigned NMR person for each group that is not located in the Chemistry Complex can access the NMR facility.
  • You will maintain an appropriate social distance (6ft), and to avoid crossing paths while at the basement NMR lab users will enter as usual through the main entrance, however, once you have finished at the instrument you will exit through the mechanical
  • Minimize the time you spend inside the NMR room
    • No data analysis at instrument terminals. Collect your data from PennBox and analyze on your personal or laboratory computer
    • You will strictly adhere to your reservation times (no going over your time)
    • Automated systems will now require that you reserve time to queue your experiments and pick up sample to avoid forming lines
    • When using the automated systems, you do not wait in the NMR lab for your experiment to finish. You will queue your experiment and leave. Collect your sample at later time when you are notified that is finished (Label your NMR tube in case it will be removed from the SampleCase and left on the sample rack)
  • One person per instrument in the room at a
    • In the case of the NMR labs that contain a single One person in the room at a time.

Sample Handling

  • Insert your sample into the spinner while the spinner is still in the
    • Holder spinner with a Kim-wipe if need
  • Use a Kim-Wipe to hold sample gauge and adjust sample while only touching the sample Dispose of Kim-Wipe in the trash
  • For low temperature experiment, please email to with the experimental plan, after getting an approval from Jun and Chad, students need to wear proper PPE (mask and gloves) to work inside NMR lab.

Stay safe everyone and practice social distancing

New Cryo-Probe on the NEO600

The NEO600 has been upgraded with a Prodigy cryoprobe. This probe is a liquid nitrogen cooled BBO probe with enhanced sensitivity of approximately 5x compared to our room temperature probe. It has also been equipped with a 24 sample autosampler for automation. The NEO600 will run on the automated Bruker software IconNMR on a 24hr basis, unless there are experimental needs that would require a manual acquisition.