The Penn Center for Science, Sustainability and the Media (PCSSM) is excited to share that two MES students who are working with PCSSM staff on their capstone projects were selected for the 1.5* Student Climate Lectures during Penn’s Climate Week.
Join us Friday, September 22, for the 1.5* Student Climate Lectures, inspired by the School of Arts & Sciences 1.5* Minute Climate Lecture series.
The speakers will be:
- Nova Meng, School of Engineering and Applied Science, “BEE Controversial”
- Jonah Perelman, College of Arts and Sciences, “Bird Brains are Becoming Smaller”
- Emily Maroni, Master of Environmental Studies, “A Greener Way to Die?”
- Eshan Singhal, College of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering and Applied Science (VIPER), “Rethinking Recycle: Innovations for a Greener Future”
- Gabrielle Fine, Wharton School, “Combatting the Anti-ESG Movement”
- Hannah Schwalberg, Master of Environmental Studies, “Social media’s effect on weather culture and how this impacts evacuation decisions during extreme weather events”
- Shreya Bansal, Weitzman School of Design, “The need for investment in urban climate finance to combat the climate crisis”
- Tiffany Luo, Weitzman School of Design, “Sea-level Rise and Social Vulnerability”
- Lia Enriquez, College of Arts and Sciences, “Yasunidos: Direct Democracy and Climate Change”
For more information, please see the Climate Week website here.