Renowned Quechua-language researcher Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino will give a talk at Penn

cerron_palominoProf. Rodolfo Cerrón Palomino is a Peruvian linguist who has crucially contributed to the investigation and development of the Quechua language. We are honored to announce that he will be the keynote speaker at ‘Thinking Andean Studies: an interdisciplinary colloquium” on April 17-18 in Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania. 

Dr. Cerrón Palomino had also made outstanding contributions to the study of the Aymara, Mochica and Chipaya languages. He is a member of the Peruvian Academy of Language and an honorary member of the Linguistic Society of America. The name of his talk at Penn will be “Language as a hermeneutic for understanding the past: Puquina and the genesis of the Inca empire”.

[photo: PUCP]