We are looking forward to RERC29! Please find our Oral Program below. Please note this schedule is subject to change without notice prior to the start of the conference and should serve only as a rough guideline for travel planning.
Please find here the electronic program that contains abstracts for your review: RERC 2022 Program and Abstracts
29th Rare Earth Research Conference
Sunday June 26, 2022
5:15 PM Conference Registration – Science History Institute (SHI)
5:30 PM Reception – Ullyot Room
7:30 PM Spedding Award Lecture – Ullyot Room
Monday June 27, 2022
7:30 AM Registration Opens – Science History Institute Foyer
8:10 AM Opening Remarks – SHI, Ullyot Room
8:30 AM Plenary Lecture 1 (Ullyot Room)
Joseph Cotruvo Lessons Learned from Lanmodulin in the Selective Recognition and Separation of f-Elements
9:30 AM Break
Concurrent Sessions, Ullyot, Franklin, Haas
Time | Ullyot | Franklin | Haas |
9:45 AM | James Blakemore: Redox Tuning of Tripodal Cerium Complexes with Secondary Metal Cations |
Kilian Ortmann: Magnetic Separations of Rare Earth Ions | Jeffrey Thompson: Quantum Technologies with Rare Earth Ions |
10:15 AM | David Mills: Recent Adventures in Lanthanide and Actinide Silicon Chemistry | Michael Servis: Using the Theory of Critical Phenomena to Understand Structure and Phase Transitions in Separations of Rare Earths | Zhentao Wang: Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid Behavior and Spinon Confinement in YbAlO3 |
10:45 AM | Break | Break | Break |
11:00 AM | Henry La Pierre: Bonding, Reactivity, and Magnetism of Tetravalent Lanthanide Ions in Molecules and Extended Solids | Erin Bertelsen: Carbon Treated Diatomaceous Earth for Rare Earth Element Separations | Nirmal Ghimire: Magnetism and Anomalous Hall Effect in the Kagome-Net Magnets RMn6Sn6 (R = Y, Yb) |
11:30 AM | Scott Daly: Quantified and Correlated Covalent Metal-Ligand Bonding and Reactivity differences in Isostructural Lanthanide and Uranium Phosphinodiboranates | Cecilia Martinez-Gomez: Lanthanide-dependent metabolism by methylotrophic bacteria opens novel avenues to improve technologies for recovery of energy-critical metals | Benjamin Ueland: Magnetism, symmetry, and topology of EuM2Pn2 compounds |
12:00 PM LUNCH
1:30 PM Plenary Lecture 2
Rute Ferreira Lanthanides for Smart Mobile Optical Sensing and the Internet of Things
2:30 PM Break
Concurrent Sessions, Ullyot, Franklin, Haas
Time | Ullyot | Franklin | Haas |
2:45 PM | Jerome Robinson: RE-Designing Catalysts to Overcome Challenges in Polymer Synthesis | Stephen Hill: Rare Earth Molecular Clock Qubits | Abigail Knight: Bioinspired Polymers for Ion Separations |
3:15 PM | Megan Fieser: Rare Earth Metal Catalysts for the One-Pot Block Copolymerization of Olefins and Cyclic Esters | Moved to later in week – no talk at this time. | Valerie Pierre: Inorganic Receptors for Phosphate for Medical and Environmental Applications |
3:45 PM | Break | Break | Break |
4:00 PM | Christopher Cahill: Assembly of [AnO2X4]2- Anions with Assorted Organic Cations: Routes to ‘yl’ Engagement, Non-covalent Interactions and Photoreactivity | Lucie Norel: Assembling Dysprosium Single-Molecule Magnets with Photochromic Dithienylethene Ligands : an Efficient Strategy for Magnetic Hysteresis Photomodulation? | Louise Natrajan: A coordination chemistry approach to optical imaging of uranium biotransformations in model conditions |
4:30 PM | Suzanne Bart: Multi-Electron Redox Chemistry with Thorium(IV) Iminoquinone Complexes | Joseph Zadrozny: Rare-Earth Magnetic Control of Organic Reactions | Jean-Claude Bunzli: Exciting Developments in Lanthanide Photonics |
5:00 PM to 6:30 PM Poster Session 1
Tuesday June 28, 2022
7:30 AM Registration Opens – Science History Institute Foyer
8:20 AM Opening Remarks – SHI, Ullyot Room
8:30 AM Plenary Lecture 3
Matthew Allen Tuning Divalent Europium for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
9:30 AM Break
Concurrent Sessions, Ullyot, Franklin, Haas
Time | Ullyot | Franklin | Haas |
9:45 AM | Cory Windorff: Pursuing Biorelevant Uranyl Complexes | Jonathan Sessler: Lanthanide Texaphyrins: An Update on Drug Development Efforts | Cristian Batista: A Microscopic Kondo Lattice Model for the Heavy Fermion Antiferromagnet CeIn3 |
10:15 AM | Gregory Nocton: Unusual Oxidation States and Reactivity in Heterometallic Compounds Combining Lanthanide and Transition Metal Ions | David Tatum: Macrocyclic 1,2-HOPO Bifunctional Chelators for Time-Resolved Europium(III) Luminescence and Radiopharmaceutical Applications | Sergey Bud’ko: Evolution of Magnetic Ground State in Yb-based Heavy Fermion Compounds: Effects of Magnetic Field and Pressure |
10:45 AM | Break | Break | Break |
11:00 AM | Steve Liddle: Recent Advances in Actinide-Ligand Multiple Bonding | Bruce Cohen : Upconversion and Avalanching in Lanthanide-based Nanocrystals for Imaging | Martin Mourigal : Novel Forms of Quantum Magnetism using Kramers/non-Kramers Rare-Earth Pairs |
11:30 AM | Withdrawn – no talk at this time | Gael Ung: Strong Circularly Polarized Luminescence at 1550 nm from Enantiopure Molecular Erbium Complexes | Wei Wei Xie: Observation of Yb3+ with Spin-1/2 in YbxPt5P |
12:00 PM LUNCH
1:30 PM Plenary Lecture 4
Jenifer Shafer Soft Donor versus Soft Matter: Controlling Transplutonium Chemistry
2:30 PM Break
Concurrent Sessions, Ullyot, Franklin, Haas
Time | Ullyot | Franklin | Haas |
2:45 PM | Conrad Goodwin: Transuranium Metallocene Complexes | Michael Nippe: Generating Magnetic Anistropy Through Exchange and Ligand Field | Susan Latturner: Metal Flux Growth of Stuffed Rare Earth Borocarbides |
3:15 PM | Julie Niklas: High-Valent Uranium and Neptunium Imidophosphorane Complexes | Durga Paudyal: Newly Discovered Permanent Magnets with Non-Critical Rare Earths | Thomas Schleid: On Rare-Earth Metal Halide Oxido-Arsenates and -Antimonates |
3:45 PM | Break | Break | Break |
4:00 PM | Stefan Minasian: Pinpointing Chemical Bonding in CeF62- with Spectroscopy, Magnetism, and Electronic Structure Theory | Helene Bolvin: The Versatility of the Magnetic Properties of the Actinyl Cations | Daniel Shoemaker: Materials Growth and Discovery for Europium-based Quantum Information Storage |
4:30 PM | Nolwenn Mahieu: Synthesis of Multi-metallic f-element Complexes with the Cyclononatetraenyl Ligand | Valerie Vallet: Exploring Excited State Potential Energy Profile and Luminescence Properties of Uranyl-Based Complexes by TRLFS and Ab Initio Method | Ingo Hartenbach: The Flowers Along the Way: Anticipated and Unprecedented Results on the Path to Rare-Earth Metal Molybdates and Tungstates with Luminescent Properties |
5:00 PM to 6:30 PM Poster Session 2
Wednesday June 29, 2022
7:30 AM Registration Opens – Science History Institute Foyer
8:20 AM Opening Remarks – SHI, Ullyot Room
8:30 AM Plenary Lecture 5
Nicholas Chilton Spin-Vibration Coupling in Magnetic Molecules
9:30 AM Break
Concurrent Sessions, Ullyot, Franklin, Haas
Time | Ullyot | Franklin | Haas |
9:45 AM | Nicole Byrne: An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Actinide-Ligand Bonding and Second-Sphere Interaction Strengths in Families of [AnO2Cl4]2- (An=U, Np, Pu) Materials | Nikolas Kaltsoyannis: Computational Adventures in Molecular f element Chemistry – Two Short Stories | Mitchell Bordelon: Magnetic frustration in Jeff = 1/2 Yb- and Ce-based triangular lattice antiferromagnets |
10:15 AM | Yuichi Harai: Bright Triboluminescence of An Inefficient Photoluminescent Eu(III) Complex | Lan Cheng: Spinor-Based Relativistic Coupled-Cluster Study of Lanthanide Thermochemistry and Spectroscopy | Ajeesh Omanakuttan: Narrow-gap Kondo insulating ground state of Ce3Bi4Pd3 revealed by applied pressure |
10:45 AM | Break | Break | Break |
11:00 AM | Ines Taarit: Molecular Light-Upconversion: When Excited State Absorption (ESA) Overcomes Energy Transfer Upconversion (ETU) In Cr(III)/Er(III) Complexes | Remi Maurice: Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Speciation of Protactinium | Ryan Baumbach: Enhanced thermoelectric properties in YbT2Zn20 (T = Co, Rh, Ir) |
11:30 AM | Melissa Gish: Illuminating the Photophysics of Oxygen Atom Transfer in Rare Earth Metal-Organic Complexes | Pere Miro: Speciation and Nucleation of An(IV) Species in Aqueous Media | Daniel Phelan: Rare-Earth Mediated Cross-Over in Dimensionality of a Spin Density Wave in a Ruddlesden-Popper Nickelate |
Lunch in Old City
Conference Banquet – Moshulu, 401 S. Christopher Columbus Blvd
6:00 PM Cocktail Hour
7:00 – 9:00 PM Banquet
Thursday June 30, 2022
7:30 AM Registration Opens – Science History Institute Foyer
8:20 AM Opening Remarks – SHI, Ullyot Room
8:30 AM Plenary Lecture 6
Aurora Clark The “Soul Memory of a Million Dead Stars” – Revealing the Topology of Rare Earth Chemistry
9:30 AM Break
Concurrent Sessions, Ullyot, Franklin
Time | Ullyot | Franklin |
9:45 AM | Selvan Demir: Multifunctional Lanthanide Metallocenes: From High-Performance Single-Molecule Magnets to Small Molecule Activation | Kirk Peterson: Accurate relativistic quantum chemistry for lanthanide and actinide thermochemistry |
10:15 AM | Jeffrey Rinehart: Fine-Tuning the Electron Spin Wavefunction with Magnetic Dipoles in a Series of Er(III)-based Molecular Complexes | Bess Vlaisavlejevich: Electronic Structure of Uranium–Arenide Complexes |
10:45 AM | Break | Break |
11:00 AM | Gerd Meyer: Pitfalls and Blessings in Reduced Rare-Earth Metal Halide Chemistry | David Cantu: Predicting the Coordination Structures and Thermodynamic Properties of Lanthanides in Solution |
11:30 AM | Qimiao Si: Magnetism and Correlations of f-electrons: From Quantum Criticality to Topology | Tyler Del Rose: Accelerated Discovery of New Rare-earth Compounds by Machine Learning |
12:00 PM Concluding remarks