Researchers affiliated with University College London/Institute for Fiscal Studies.

Orazio Attanasio  |
Orazio Attanasio is a professor of economics at the University College London and a research fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, where he co-directs the Centre for the Evaluation of Development Policies. He is the editor of Quantitative Economics, a new journal of the Econometric Society, a fellow of the Econometric Society and of the British Academy and president elect of the European Economic Association. His research interests include risk sharing, labor supply and housing markets, and household consumption and saving behavior over the life cycle. His current research focuses on the impact and design of conditional cash transfers on education choices, early childhood development interventions, and on the measurement of subjective expectations. He received an M.Sc. (1984) and a Ph.D. (1988) in economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Costas Meghir  |
Costas Meghir is the “Douglas A. Warner III” Professor of Economics and a co-director of the Cowles foundation structural microeconomics program at Yale University. Having graduated from Manchester University with a Ph.D. he worked at University College London becoming a Full Professor and the Head of Department. He is Fellow of the Econometric Society, Fellow of the British Academy, and Fellow of the Society for Labor Economics. He was awarded the Ragnar Frisch medal by the Econometric Society in 2000 and the Bodosakis foundation price in 1997. He has been co-editor of Econometrica and joint managing editor of the Economic Journal. He has published in the leading journals including Econometrica, the American Economic Review, the Review of Economic Studies and the Journal of Political Economy. Costas Meghir teaches Labor Economics and Econometrics to graduates and undergraduates at Yale. His research spans a broad set of fields, including household consumption, savings and labor supply behavior, educational choice and its effects on wages and individual careers, the impact of quality of education, intergenerational transmission of education and health and the economics of crime. Much of his research is concerned with the effects of policy on incentives, poverty and welfare more broadly. He has worked on evaluating the impact of welfare benefit reform, education policy, active labor market policy, and the effects of labor market regulation. Within developing countries he has studied the impact of conditional cash transfer programs and training programs for disadvantaged youth. More recently he has been involved in research on policies that impact early childhood development, which lays the foundations for a person’s life. He has been working with a team of collaborators on implementing and evaluating a scalable program of early childhood stimulation. The way such interventions affect household investments in children is a key issue being investigated. A similar program of research is now being planned for implementation in Odisha, India.
Marta Rubio-Codina
Marta Rubio-Codina is a Senior Research Economist in the Centre for Evaluation of Development Policy at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (EDePo@IFS). She joined the Centre in 2007 as an ESRC Post-Doctoral Fellow, after obtaining her PhD in Economics from the University of Toulouse. From 2009-2011, she held a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship. Her research interests are in human capital investment decisions and program evaluation in developing countries, and in particular, in early childhood development (ECD), education and intra-household resource allocation. She has been involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of a child psycho-social stimulation and nutritional supplementation program in Colombia and is currently co-investigator on two other ECD research projects in Odisha, India: one in the slums of Cuttack, including a home visiting parenting program; and a larger one, in rural areas, that will compare home visits versus group sessions for the delivery of a psychosocial stimulation intervention. Marta is also very interested in the adequate measurement of ECD outcomes at large scale. She has lead a research study in Bogota aimed at establishing the socio-economic gradient of child development and at identifying psychometric tools that allow measuring ECD outcomes amongst very young children in a cost-efficient manner, and are hence suitable for large scale evaluations. Marta has also extensive experience in the evaluation of social and educational government programs in Latin American, including the Mexican Conditional Cash Transfer program Oportunidades.