Travel Award funds to attend Indigenous Languages Week at Penn

Travel Award funds to attend Indigenous Languages Week at Penn

Travel funds are available to attend one or more of the activities at Penn’s Indigenous Languages Week celebration. Award: up to 300 dollars per student. 


College students at U.S. institutions (undergraduate and graduate) who self-identity Indigenous or with Indigenous heritage from cultures and communities of the Americas (e.j.: Navajo, Aymara, Quechua, Guaraní, Lakota, Mixtec, Nahuatl, etc). 


Students will be responsible for planning all of their travel arrangements.
Award recipients will coordinate with the Quechua Program at the University of Pennsylvania to provide a brief written report describing their experience toward their personal/professional development after returning from the event.

Applications will be reviewed individually. Therefore there is no need to wait until the deadline to apply. 

Awards will be given in the form of an honorarium. Questions? Please contact Prof. Américo Mendoza-Mori, Quechua program coordinator:

Applications are welcome until all available funds are assigned.