“대학 생활 즐기기 (Enjoying Campus Life)” by Charles Miranda, Sophia Rosales, Linda Zhang (Intermediate Korean I, Fall 2024)
“대학 캠퍼스 안내 (Campus Guide)” by Ellie Chang, Cassidy Olsen, Cassidy Whaley (Intermediate Korean I, Fall 2024)
“Who’s your 오빠???” by Charlotte Fox, Gemma Hong, Cristina Vera (Spring 2021)
“자매들과 새 초록색 아이폰 20″ Three sisters and the new green iPhone 20 by Sinead Knepper, Jashee Yang, Sheehwa You (Spring 2021)
“Princess and Songpyeon” by Tise, Kati, Sabrina (Spring 2019)