Fall 2023 Korean Language Table

2023 AATK Annual Conference and Professional Development Workshop

Co-Sponsored Conference:
2023 American Association of Teachers of Korean Annual Conference and Professional Development Workshop
Thursday, June 15, 2023 to Saturday, June 17, 2023
Claire M. Fagin Hall (June 15 & 17), Stiteler Hall/McNeil Hall (June 16)
The Korean Language Program at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) is pleased to announce that the American Association of Teachers of Korean (AATK)’s 28th Annual Conference and Professional Workshop will take place on June 15-17, 2023, at Penn. The theme of the 28th conference is ‘Transformative Language Learning Through Real World Engagement’. With this theme, the conference aims to provide a forum for Korean language students through constructive discussions about transformative learning and its extension to the real world. In particular, the conference will investigate and address topics related to transformative teaching and learning in the Korean language by asking the following timely questions:
- How can transformative language learning and teaching be operationalized in the Korean language classroom and curriculum?
- What opportunities for experiential language learning can be implemented to promote a sense of responsible agency in society?
- How can Korean language content and materials be used to challenge views and encourage critical thinking for social justice?
- How can we bring real-world engagement to language learners through classroom practices?
- How might transformative language teaching and learning help students develop competencies more effectively for career readiness in Korean communities?
We invite participants to explore and address these areas of interest to foster an engaging and enriching experience.
Conference Chair: Hi-Sun Kim, Harvard University
Local Chair: Haewon Cho, University of Pennsylvania
For More Information: https://www.aatk.org/conference/index.php?confid=28
2022-2023 KLP End-of-Year Party and Talent Show
**Event Update: The venue has been changed to McNeil 286-7! **

Spring 2023 Korean Language Table

Spring 2023 Korean Language Courses

Fall 2022 Study Abroad in South Korea Information Session

Fall 2022 Korean Language Table

2021-2 KLP End of Year Party

Fall 2022 Korean Language Courses

Spring 2022 Korean Language Table

Spring 2022 Study Abroad in South Korea Info Session

Spring 2022 Korean Language Courses

Fall 2021 Korean Language Courses

Ginseng is known and used in many ways by Korean and Korean American families. In this program, Korean American chefs Yesoon Lee and her son Danny Lee—who separately own and operate several popular restaurants in the Washington, D.C., area, including Mandu, Chiko, and Anju—will prepare and talk about one beloved dish and its significance to the Korean American community.
Samgyetang is a traditional Korean ginseng chicken soup which is eaten for its rich flavor and healthful properties in the heat of the summer. Yesoon will prepare a more traditional version of the soup, while Danny will prepare a contemporary take on the dish using his mother’s samgyetang, similar to a dish he serves at Anju. They will discuss the tradition behind the soup, their own cooking experiences, and how Korean Americans use ginseng in other ways. Folklife researcher Grace Dahye Kwon will moderate the conversation.
Fall 2020 Korean Language Table

Spring 2020 Korean Language Table

Spring 2020 Study Abroad in Korea Info Session

The 69th Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK)

Fall 2019 The Kimbap Workshop “Let’s Roll”

Fall 2019 Korean Language Table

Fall 2019 Korean Language Courses

Spring 2019 Palooza Event

Spring 2019 Study Abroad Fair