
Public Interest Anthropology

A Model for Public Interest Ethnography: The Conjunction of Theory, Practice, Action, and Change in a Globalizing World (2008)

Public Interest Anthropology: A Boasian Service-Learning Initiative, Michigan Journal of Service Learning, Vol. 10, No. 3, Summer 2004.

Public Interest Anthropology: A Model for Engaged Research (2004)

Public Interest Anthropology: A Model for Engaged Scholarship, 2003
Prepared for SAR Workshop, Chicago, Nov. 2003.

Research and Training Program Under Development at Penn

Defining Public Interest Anthropology. Opening Statement. AAA Symposium, Defining a Public Interest Anthropology. Dec. 3, l998. Philadelphia.


World Culture Initiative at University City High School in Philadelphia
A Public Interest Anthropology Course

Selected Articles

Skeletons in the Anthropological Closet: The Life Work of William S. Willis, Jr.
Chapter of book Pioneers in African-American Anthropology. Ira E. Harrison and Faye V. Harrison, eds. University of Illinois Press. 1998.

Fruit of the Motherland:Expanding the Feminist Debate

Review of Maria Lepowsky’s Fruit of the Motherland:Gender in an Egalitarian Society. In Pacific Studies, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp 105-112.

A Discourse-Centered Approach to Human Sexuality

Keynote Address presented at Second Annual Rutgers Anthropology Graduate Student Conference, Contemplating Sex, March 23, `996. Published in Crosscurrents: The Journal of Graduate Research in Anthropology, Vol. VIII, Autumn, 1996.

Rape-Prone Versus Rape-Free Campus Cultures

Rape-Prone Versus Rape-Free Campus Cultures. Published in Violence Against Women,Vol. 2 No. 2, June 1996 191-208.

Matriarchy as a Sociocultural Form:An Old Debate in a New Light

Paper presented at 16th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Melaka, Malaysia, 1-7 July, 1998.