Registration – QSAM

Registration: Quechua Student Alliance Meeting 2016

For more info about the event, please click here


Registration steps:

    1. Fill out the registration form (by October 23rd).
    2. Registration fee payment options:



Registration Fees*
Students:  By October 23rd: 10 US dollars (includes lunch and materials). Late registration: 15 dollars.
Faculty and non-college students: By October 23rd: 20 US dollars (includes lunch and materials). Late registration: 30 US dollars
–  Penn Students & Faculty: No Fee (RSVP required by October 23rd, don’t forget to fill out the registration form)


* The fee only intends to cover the event expenses. However we don’t want anyone to miss this gathering due money issues. Feel free to contact us in case you need to discuss this aspect with us.

3 comments on “Registration – QSAMAdd yours →

  1. Are out of state students allowed to attend? I just completed graduation requirements at UW-Seattle but I haven´t ¨graduated¨yet or disenrolled yet, if that matters. 😀 I´m hoping Qulla can be a part of my graduate studies in the future!

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