For Alumni
Are you a Penn alum looking for a mentor?
RealArts@Penn can help even after graduation. If you’re interested in connecting with alums working in creative industries, please contact us at
Are you a RealArts@penn alum?
RealArts@Penn hosts two professional LinkedIn groups for students and alumni affiliated with our internships and mentorship opportunities: RealArts@Penn Alumni and RealArts@Penn Entertainment. We also will host happy hours. Keep in touch to stay tuned on the next one!
Are you a RealArts@Penn alum and/or Penn alum that wants to be a mentor?
Over a RealArts-sponsored lunch, RealArts often invites Penn alumni to speak to current students about working in their respective applied-arts industry, providing invaluable personal insight and feedback on questions and concerns brought up by the students.
If you are interested in being apart of either our “Road to Publishing” and/or “Road to Entertainment” lunch series as well as other alumni opportunities, please contact us at