
Double Take


Double Take (2T) is publishing a series of new graphic novels/comic books set in the universe of the 1968 Night of the Living Dead (NOTLD) film, starting with scenes from the first episodes of three graphic novels: Rise, Soul, and Insurrection. We are adding new scenes to those stories almost every day on Facebook and will be adding other new, original stories to this universe.

Bill Jemas, the former President of Marvel, is our General Manager and we are a dedicated team of talented writers and editors, artists, and law school grads all devoted to creating quality stories while having some fun along the way.

We are a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. but we are in the business of making all new, original content!

What to expect

As our RealArts@Penn intern, you will have a hands-on experience on how comics are made at 2T and be ready to get involved in all aspects of publishing comics (digitally and in print). You will be involved in the creative development of a number of graphic fiction series and see how our in-house artists work with our freelance writers and illustrators. You will also be involved in 2T’s business affairs, and assist with our social media marketing (and other promotions) and digital and/or print publishing and distribution of our projects.

We have an open office and as an intern, you will be welcome to join any meeting—staff meetings, of course, but also creative calls with our talent and business/marketing meetings.


Possible Tasks During Summer 2015:

By Summer 2015, we hope to have a robust publishing schedule for several stories in our 1968 NOTLD universe and will be working on ideas and outlines for more original stories!