Watch a video recording of the 2019 RealArts@Penn Info Session.

How long are the internships?

RealArts@Penn internships are between 8 and 12 weeks. An exact timeframe is decided by your company host.

To whom should I address my cover letter?

It is safest to address your cover letter to the “RealArts@Penn Selection Committee” or “To Whom It May Concern”.

When will students be notified of intern selections for Summer 2021?

All applicants will be informed of their standing by mid March, 2021.

If I don't receive a RealArts@Penn internship are there other funding options?

Yes, you may qualify for the RealArts@Penn prize. Click here for details.

If I am not selected for a RealArts@Penn summer internship this year, can I reapply next year?

Yes! Please keep in mind that you must be a current Penn student to be eligible.

If I was selected for a RealArts@Penn summer internship last year, can I reapply again this year?

Yes! Please keep in mind that you must be a current Penn student to be eligible.

If I have further questions regarding RealArts@Penn, who should I contact?

Please email realarts@writing.upenn.edu if you have further questions.