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Conference call: “Justice, Organizations, and Psychoanalysis,” June 26-29, 2025, at Bryn Mawr College
The upcoming International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO) meeting will occur at Bryn Mawr College from June 26 to June 29, 2025. This year’s conference theme is “Justice, Organizations, and Psychoanalysis,” and the call for papers can be found at: https://ispso.org/AM2025. Students who are passionate about psychoanalysis but unsure about its relevance to their career decisions can see how organizational development practitioners and executive coaches have integrated psychoanalysis into their everyday work. Students can attend our professional development workshops, and we offer them a discounted attendance fee for workshops and proceedings.
Founded in 1985, ISPSO is the premier organization that brings together scholars and practitioners who study and work with organizations from a psychoanalytic perspective. Its roots are in the Tavistock Clinic’s landmark work on the relationships between work, anxiety, and social defense, in the AK Rice Group Relations workshops, and in leadership studies pioneered by Abraham Zaleznik and Harry Levinson.
Questions? Email Larry Hirschorn at lhirschhorn@cfar.com.
News alert! November 18, 2024:
Sigourney Award-2024 Recipients Announced
This year’s winners:
-Merav Roth, PhD (Tel Aviv, Israel)
-Björn Salomonsson, MD (Stockholm, Sweden)
-Dominique Scarfone, MD (Montreal, Canada)
-The Ububele Educational and Psychotherapy Trust (Johannesburg, South Africa)
If you have an event or other announcement related to psychoanalysis and undergraduate education that you’d like to see posted here, please send the details to: cavitch@english.upenn.edu.
Click the tab for our ever-expanding pdf collection of undergraduate course syllabi, supplied by our contributors and readers. If you have a psychoanalytically-oriented, undergraduate course syllabus that you’d like to share, please send a copy to: cavitch@upenn.edu.
Susan Adelman
Harris Avgousti
Jeffrey Berman
Esha Bhandari
Spencer Biel
Lawrence Blum
Harold Braswell
Vera J. Camden
Max Cavitch
Ryan Collin
Brian Connolly
Rachel C. Conrad
Ian Williams Curtis
Liesl Dentinger
Marcia D-S. Dobson
David L. Eng
Keren Friedman-Peleg
Stephen Frosh
Kelli Fuery
Greta Kaluževičiūtė-Moreton
Katie Lewis
Emma Lieber
Anneleen Masschelein
Michael McAndrew
H. N.
Leonardo Niro
Francois Rabie
David Ramirez
Susan M. Schultz
Yael Segalovitz
Adam Sitze
Jordan Stein
Marita Vyrgioti
Basia Winograd
Valentino L. Zullo