Inkarayku is a Quechua word that means “because of the Incas.” Led by founder Andres Jimenez, the group seeks to link the past, present and future of Andean arts, through the performance of indigenous music forms that have evolved into the contemporary mestizo music heard today. Inkarayku’s sound blends the organic power of Quechua folk songs with the energy and edge unique to New York, the city that never sleeps. The band’s diverse line-up brings together a river of musical and artistic experience resulting in Andean folk music that transcends cultural boundaries and seamlessly shares the stage with other folk traditions of the Americas.
We are very happy to announce that Inkarayku will perform at the Penn Andean Studies Colloquim: Thinking Andean Studies, April 17-18, 2015 in Philadelphia. For more info about this event at the University of Pennsylvania, please click here.
For more info about Inkarayku, you can visit their website:
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