Internship Opportunities
Internship Opportunities
There are 1853 Japanese companies that have business in the United States now. By studying Japanese at UPenn, you will have an opportunity to gain the language proficiency as well as the cultural knowledge to work in Japanese companies.
1. Annual Student Panel: Career & Internship Opportunities in Japan at Penn
2. Internships Opportunities
Global Research & Internship Program (GRIP)
The Global Research & Internship Program (GRIP)* offers the opportunity to embrace and adapt to new challenges, collaborate with people from different backgrounds and gain global exposure that will help you stand out when applying for jobs after graduation. This unique program provides outstanding undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to intern or conduct research abroad for 8 to 12 weeks over the summer.
PASONA International Exchange Program
This summer internship program allows outstanding undergraduate and graduate students to participate in a two-month internship at a Japanese company. The internship provides the student with valuable opportunities to learn Japanese business practices and to receive on-the-job-training at well-known Japanese companies in Tokyo. The program also provides a monthly stipend, round-trip airfare as well as company sponsored housing in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Please contact at for more details and the application form
Come on Out-Japan Summer Internship Program
For university students and recent graduates with native level English skills, who would be interested in coming to Japan for 6 weeks from mid-July to late August, 2018.
Keio Academy of New York Summer Program: Internship Opportunities
It is a perfect opportunity for those wishing to study the Japanese language and Japanese culture or aspiring to work in Japan in the future as well as for undergraduate and graduate students who are themselves Japanese-English bilinguals.
Shofuso Japanese House and Garden – Arts Education Marketing Intern for Fall 2018
The Art Education Marketing Intern’s primary responsibility will be developing, producing and creating content for a short promotional video, as well as other materials, for the Shofuso summer camp.
Los Angels Career Forum 2018
October 5 & 6 (Fri. & Sat.), 2018
If you’re seeking a new job or a new career to utilize your Japanese and English skills, this is an event you don’t want to miss! This is a great opportunity to meet with the hiring decision-makers from big name industry companies and go home with job offers.
Boston Career Forum 2018
Nov 9 (Fri.) – 11 (Sun.), 2018
World’s largest job fair for Japanese-English Bilinguals
As a rare and exceptional opportunity to connect directly with top industry players, students and working professionals alike attend this event to discover exciting new opportunities and look to launch fulfilling careers in new fields. Explore and expand your own potential at this year’s Boston Career Forum!
3. Human Resources Companies
DISCO International
A human resources firm specializing in Japanese-English bilingual recruitment
They provide jobs, outsourcing, consulting many other human resources services.
They specialize in human resources and career support in Japan and all over the world.