Study Abroad Programs

Study Abroad Programs

Study Abroad in Japan

If you are interested in study abroad in Japan, there are opportunities with Penn’s partner schools below:

1. Semester / Full-year programs
Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies (Kyoto, Japan)
Program Terms: Fall, Spring, Year, Language Prerequisites: 2 semesters of college-level language for fall or full-year program; 3 semesters for spring
KCJS Faculty Representative, Prof. David Spafford (Office: 855 Williams Hall)
→To learn more about KCJS, watch these short videos where Penn’s Japanese Language Program Director, Ms. Tomoko Takami, discusses the program’s impact on Penn students:
1. “What’s great about Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies (KCJS)” (Aug. 2020)
2. “Why Penn sends our students to KCJS” (Sept. 2020)
3. “How my students changed after study abroad in Kyoto” (Sept. 2020)
→To watch a story of Mr. Alan Aquino, a Penn student who participated in KCJS 2015-2016:
Yes, You Can Study Abroad and Get a Job in Japan!” (Sept. 2020)
To apply for KCJS at Penn

Hitotsubashi University (Tokyo, Japan)
Program Terms: Spring, Year, Language Prerequisites: 6 or more semesters of college-level language
To apply for Hitotsubashi at Penn

Keio University (Tokyo, Japan)
Program Terms: Fall, Spring, Year, Language Prerequisites: 2 semesters of college-level Japanese for fall/year; 3 semesters of college-level Japanese for spring

International Christian University (Tokyo, Japan)
Program Terms: Fall, Year, Language Prerequisites: No previous study
To apply for ICU at Penn

2. Summer programs
Kyoto Consortium of Japanese Studies (KCJS)
International Christian University (ICU)
Princeton in Ishikawa
Inter-University  Center for Japanese Language Studies (IUC)
Seshu University (Japanese Language and Culture Program)
The Hokkaido International Foundation Program (HIF)

3. Other opportunities

Penn Global Seminars (PGS)
Penn Global Seminars combine intensive semester-long study with a short-term travel component that deepens your understanding of concepts discussed in the classroom.
You are able to take full advantage of essential global learning opportunities through Penn Global Seminars (PGS) regardless of your class year or major. The Penn faculty leaders design seminars that travel to unique locations, which offer significant opportunity for cultural exchange and immersion.

If you would like to apply for the programs, check Upenn Abroad for study abroad procedure.

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