Spring Semester
Japanese Language Courses
2023 Spring Semester
JPAN0105| JPAN0200 | JPAN0410 | JPAN0400 | JPAN0600 | JPAN0800 | JPAN0860 | JPAN1045 | JPAN1085 | JPAN1145
JPAN0105/5105 (formerly JPAN002)
Spoken Japanese II (formerly Introduction to Spoken Japanese)
This is a continuation of Introduction to Spoken Japanese I. For students continuing from JPAN0103 (formerly JPAN001), the course provides a chance to really internalize what you’ve learned in the fall, and builds upon the momentum that developed during the fall semester. For students who didn’t take JPAN0103 (formerly JPAN001) but who have studied some Japanese in the past either formally or informally, the class provides a chance to actually speak Japanese from the first day in a warm and friendly environment. Reading knowledge of hiragana is helpful but not required. We will continue to use pop culture at the end of each class and everyone’s Japanese skills will increase on a weekly basis.
* This course does not count toward foreign language requirements, majors, or minors.
JPAN0200/5200 (formerly JPAN012)
Beginning Japanese II
This is a continuation of JPAN0100 (formerly JPAN011: Beginning Japanese I). Students will learn all four skills (speaking, listening, writing, reading) in this course with an emphasis on grammar, reading, writing, and conversation. The topics and functions include: expressing ones’ opinion, talking about holiday plans, sickness, part-time jobs, and gift-giving and receiving. Students will engage in various situations that are common in everyday life in Japan, and the instruction will be interwoven with the cultural aspects of Japan.
Textbooks: Genki I (Lesson 8- Lesson 12) and Genki II (Lesson 13- Lesson 14) will be used, and around 100 new Kanji will be introduced. Overall kanji knowledge will be 177.
JPAN0410/5410 (formerly JPAN022)
Intensive Intermediate Japanese I & II (formerly Intensive Beginning Japanese II)
This course is equivalent to JPAN0300: Intermediate Japanese I + JPAN0400: Intermediate Japanese II (formerly JPAN111 + JPAN 112), and completes the language requirement.
Textbooks: Genki II (Lesson 15 – Lesson 23) and Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese (Unit 1 – Unit 2) will be covered. Approximately 240 new Kanji will be introduced. Overall kanji knowledge will be 410.
JPAN0400/5400 (formerly JPAN112)
Intermediate Japanese II (formerly Beginning Japanese IV)
This course is a continuation of JPAN0300 (formerly JPAN111) and completes the university language requirement. The course is focused on the further development and mastery of the elementary grammatical structures of the Japanese language through aural-oral practices as well as reading and writing. The course also covers intermediate grammar and Japanese culture, customs, and society through readings on various topics, including geography, language, and technology in Japan. Students will also learn and practice skills to communicate in various situations in Japan, and to present one’s ideas and opinions by discussing and writing in Japanese.
Textbooks: Genki II (Lesson 21 and Lesson 23) and Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese (Unit 1- Unit 2) will be covered. Approximately 140 new Kanji will be introduced. Overall kanji knowledge will be 410.
JPAN0600/5600 (formerly JPAN212)
High Intermediate Japanese II (formerly Intermediate Japanese II)
This course is a continuation of JPAN0500 (formerly JPAN 211). Topics discussed in this course include education, convenience stores, history, traditional arts, and politics in Japan. Students will continue to create with the language when talking about a variety of familiar topics and to communicate their ideas and opinions about general topics. Students will continue to deepen understanding of various aspects of Japanese culture, compare and contrast them with their own culture, and critically think of cross-cultural differences.
Textbooks: Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese (Unit 9-Unit 14) Kanji: reproduction-approx.470/recognition-approx.650
JPAN0800/5800 (formerly JPAN312)
Advanced Japanese II (formerly Intermediate Japanese IV)
This course is a continuation of JPAN0700: Advanced Japanese I (formerly JPAN311: Intermediate Japanese III) (fall).
This course is a continuation of the Japanese language at the upper-intermediate level, aiming to achieve advanced-low according to the ACTFL guidelines at the end of the course. It is not necessary to have course credit from 0700 (formerly 311)-Fall to enroll in 0800 (formerly 312)-Spring; however, to be able to participate in the course work effectively, students need to have a solid intermediate-high level proficiency in active skills, and higher proficiency in passive skills. The proficiency levels refer to the ACTFL scale. Knowledge (recognition) of 600+ Kanji is required as well. This course emphasizes the four linguistic skills, which are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will continue to learn to communicate more in detail and at greater lengths about various topics, including personal and general topics, participating actively in discussions, and making short presentations. Students will use multiple reference sources, including dictionaries and on-line resources, to enhance reading comprehension and writing skills. Students will also deepen understanding of various aspects of Japanese culture through readings, discussions, and projects.
Textbooks and Materials: The authentic materials selected from the internet, newspapers, and books will be used.
JPAN0860/5860 (formerly JPAN382)
Japanese/Professions II (formerly Japanese for the Professions)
This course is an upper-intermediate level course of Japanese progressing to the advanced-level, intended for students who are interested in using Japanese in their professions. Improving speaking proficiency is emphasized, and students will learn preferable and frequently used vocabulary, expressions, and discourse in Japanese business contexts. Students will also communicate more in detail and at greater length about various cultural and social topics through a lens of business, namely business cases (e.g. Coach, Walmart, and Toyota). They will participate actively in discussions and make short presentations. Students will also deepen their understanding of various aspects of Japanese business culture, compare and contrast them with their own culture, and critically think of cross-cultural differences.
Textbook: Powering Up Your Japanese Through Case Studies: Intermediate and Advanced Japanese.
JPAN1045 /6045(formerly JPAN412)
Advanced Japanese IV (formerly Advanced Japanese II)
Intended for students with an advanced -low/mid- background in Japanese, aiming to strengthen students’ communicative competencies, and to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture through media, articles, etc.
JPAN1085/6085 (formerly JPAN482)
Advanced Proficiency II (formerly Advanced Japanese for Proficiency II)
Designed for students with an advanced background in Japanese. Readings in literary and journalistic texts written in modern Japanese are used in this course.
Readings in Advanced Japanese II
This course is a continuation of JPAN1140/6140: Readings in Advanced Japanese I. It is designed for students who have achieved a proficiency level equivalent to passing the JLPT N1 or are very close to that level. The course focuses on further developing students’ ability to read and critically analyze advanced literary and journalistic texts written in modern Japanese.
Students will expand their vocabulary and master sentence structures suitable for academic and professional contexts while enhancing their speaking, listening, and writing skills in Japanese. Through engaging with academic materials, students will also refine their presentation skills by delivering clear and coherent research-based presentations in Japanese.
In addition to language skill development, this course offers students an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of Japanese culture, history, and society.