Students work 2017 -011
Students’ Work (2017)
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Fall 2017
Group project work of the Beginning Japanese I
The first-year students made slideshow videos to introduce Upenn campus and Philly to students from Japan at Penn! The videos are so informative, and all of our students want Japanese students to watch these videos when they arrive at Penn!! The students have studied Japanese only for three months and created these videos. Please enjoy watching their videos!
- 「ペンシルバニア大学でゆっくりしましょう “De-stressing at Penn!” 」created by Michelle , Danny and Sean
- 「ヒルカレッジハウス “Introducing Hill College House” 」created by Yubin, Jacob and Justin
- 「ペンのキャンパスの食べもの “Food at Penn campus : Three restaurants” 」created by Nubia, Christina and Alisa
- 「ペンシルバニア大学の食べもの “Food at Upenn” 」created by Jasper, Faith and Yujia
- 「キャンパスのいろいろなビル “Facilities at Penn” 」created by Jin, Pablo and Jiawen