Students’ Work (2018 Spring)
Students’ Work (2018 spring)
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Spring 2018
Group project work of the Beginning Japanese II
The first-year students made slideshow videos to introduce Philadelphia to students from Japan at Penn! The videos are so informative, and all of our students want Japanese students to watch these videos when they arrive in Philly!! Please enjoy watching their videos to explore Philly and students’ recommendations about various spots!
- 「フィラデルフィアの喫茶店 Coffee shop in Philly 」created by Alisa, Williams and Jingyu
- 「チーズステーキレストラン Cheese Steak 」created by Sean, Jasper and Brooks
- 「フィラデルフィアの公園 Parks in Philly」created by Pablo and Faith
- 「フィラデルフィアの写真スポット Picture spots in Philly」created by Michelle, Jiawen and Huixin
- 「フィラデルフィアのスポーツ Sports in Philly」created by Jacob, Yubin and Chrisina
- 「チーズステーキレストラン Cheese Steak 」created by Nubia, Christian and Danny
- 「いろいろな国のレストラン International cuisines in Philly」created by Flavia, Avis and Joana