Ron Silliman receives Beltran Award for Innovative Teaching
May 27, 2020

I am thrilled to announce that the recipient of the Beltran Family Award for Innovative Teaching for 2020-21 is Ron Silliman, who has taught creative writing seminars brilliantly for many years by now. The award, endowed by the Beltran family, is given each year, through a process of student nominations, to someone who teaches in and around, and in the context of, the Kelly Writers House community.
The Beltran Award is not just for excellent teaching in the classroom, although that’s obviously relevant and important; it’s intended to honor the making and sustaining of a learning environment, and the spirit of informal and outside-of-class mentoring that the best teachers embody. The recipient will receive a $1,000 stipend and additionally will be provided with up to $2,200 to incur costs of organizing and hosting a program or programs at the Writers House in the following academic year.
Of course, once Ron and Jessica Lowenthal and others devise a plan for a program and project, we will announce it and hope that many will attend.
Meantime, congratulations to Ron. We extend our gratitude to him for such devoted teaching and mentoring.
Tags: Kelly Writers HousepedagogyRon Sillimanteaching poetry
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