Room in a mind-saving farmhouse @ $32.50/month
After a just-okay first year at college—Colgate University in Hamilton NY—I felt complexly disaffected from on-campus/near-campus social and intellectual life. I found some friends who felt similarly and a group of us went to see a farmhouse seven miles off campus (near the tiny village of Lebanon). A summer-only house, with essentially no insulation, on 90 acres, with a barn full of cows and a chicken coop of hens and a troublesome rooster. We lived there dreamily and productively, making the seven mile commute into Hamilton to attend classes, endured the bitter cold leaking into the house in the chilly months, baked a lot of bread, went on snowy midnight hikes (hearing owls), and tried to get our conceptual, theoretical, political and personal sh*t together. My share of the rent was $32.50 per month. College life, even on campus (in the English, history and philosophy-and-religion departments especially) was much better after we effected this break.
[Photographs by David Rohrbach—taken about four years after was got our degrees and left the area.]