Category: Kelly Writers House

Nathaniel Mackey visits Kelly Writers House, day 1

Nathaniel Mackey is here as a Kelly Writers House Fellow for several days. Yesterday he joined me and the students in the Kelly Writers House Fellows seminar for an intense three-hour conversation about his work and much else. In the evening he gave a spectacular reading from his work —...

15-minute video on translating surrealism

In this video, Alan Bernheimer responds to questions about his translation of Philippe Soupault’s Lost Profiles: A Memoir of Cubism, Dada, and Surrealism, which was published in November by City Lights. The book is a retrospective of a crucial period in modernism, written by a co-founder of the Surrealist movement. The...

Summer workshop for young writers at KWH

A  Penn Current article describes the new Summer Workshop for Young Writers at the Kelly Writers House. It begins: This summer, Kelly Writers House will host its first intensive writing workshop for high school juniors and seniors. Directed by Jamie-Lee Josselyn, associate director for recruitment at the Center for Programs...