Tagged: holocaust testimony
Leon Bass. I knew Leon a little bit (he lived in the Philly area) & he once came to speak to the students in my course on the holocaust & survivor testimony. He was a liberator of Buchenwald and the experience was both traumatic and charted a course through a...
I am pleased to make available a copy of an essay by Anna Neumann: “Ways without Words: Learning from Silence and Story in Post-Holocaust Lives.” The essay can be viewed as a PDF document HERE.
I was asked to write 200 words about Auschwitz for some sort of commemoration marking 75 years after liberation. I wrote what is below—actually 267 words. Survivor testimony presents its great challenges, but it is a subjectivity so intensely collective that it makes for a new kind of objectivity. One...
Terrence Des Pres, of course, was not a survivor of the holocaust. Nonetheless, the Fortunoff Archive of Video Holocaust Testimonies at Yale University sought him out to record his testimony. Here it is: LINK TO VIDEO.