Tagged: Sam Filreis

Sam Filreis, Navy guy, remembered on Veterans Day

My dad, the late & much-missed Sam Filreis, was young & not world-savvy at the time of WW2 but he enlisted. He absolutely had the temperament of a pacifist (disliked fighting and disagreement, very placid in style, avoided conflict) but he enlisted nevertheless. I honor him for that decision. (In...

The last bottle

When my parents moved from New Jersey to Florida, after many decades living in their modest NJ split-level, I spent a weekend at the old house helping with junk, boxes of giveaways, sorting tools, rare and otherwise old books, and many cases of wine that were being stored in the...

Thanksgiving ’17

My dad—Sam Filreis—passed away suddenly on Thanksgiving a year ago. In 2007 he and I went on a river cruise up the Rhone in southern France, and brought back 4 bottles of a perfect Beaujolais, purchased after spending a happy afternoon drinking with the proprietors of a backcountry vineyard. When...