ModPo’s Teacher Resource Center (TRC) — invitation to join us

As we prepare for the next session, your feedback will be invaluable.
Even if you are not a teacher, or are currently active in the classroom, we would love to hear about any experiences you have working with these poems (and poets), bringing ModPo into educational spaces, and, perhaps most importantly, what kinds of resources would you like to see created.
We’d also encourage you to share the TRC with any of your friends who are teachers, or students studying to become teachers. We are always looking for more participants. The more people involved and engaged in the TRC, the better it becomes!
If any of this interests you—if you want to be involved and/or if you have ideas about TRC, please write us at:
Thank you in advance for your enthusiasm and support!
– Al Filreis
Faculty Director, Kelly Writers House
Dir., Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing (CPCW)
Co-Director, PennSound
Publisher, Jacket2
Producer/host, PoemTalk