Category: Kelly Writers House
Two voices I hear via podcast series—Stephen Metcalf, who hosts the Slate “Culture Gabfest,” and Wesley Morris of the New York Times who since September ’16 has hosted “Still Processing“—came along with their whole selves, to the Writers House, the other day. I moderated a conversation with them. And HERE is...
I moderated a conversation with new Penn faculty members Sharon Hayes and Brooke O’Harra to discuss teaching, collaboration, and multidisciplinary art. Hayes — a painter, sculptor, and conceptual artist — and O’Harra — an experimental theater and performance artist — have brought together their varying media for several outside-the-box projects....
As part of the poetry reading series “Whenever We Feel Like It”, Rob Fitterman visited the Kelly Writers House to read from his work. This clip includes Fitterman reading from his book Nevermind, a “relaxing” of the lyrics of Nirvana’s seminal album “Nevermind” into slow poetry.
In April 2016 Anna Maria Hong gave a reading at the Kelly Writers House. One of the poems she read was “Plain As Him.” She introduced by telling us that it is about Donald Trump and also the U.S. women’s soccer team. Thanks to the video editing work of Dylan...
Back in November 2016 I had the honor of presenting the 99-year-old poet Naomi Replansky at Kelly Writers House. Here I’ve selected three photos from the many taken during her visit. Click on a photo for a larger view. I am also and pleased to offer links to various Replansky...
Erin Gautsche—long-time Kelly Writers House program coordinator—gave a talk about what her KWH experience has meant to her at the 20th-year celebration in May 2016.
Today in the student-written, student-edited weekly magazine, 34th Street, there appeared a nice article about the Kelly Writers House that captures the spirit (and food-centricity) of our writerly haven. It can be found HERE. It begins: “It’s another cold, violently windy day in Philadelphia, but in the kitchen, sun streams through...
I’ve now posted a video clip from Li Zhimin’s fall 2016 reading at Kelly Writers House HERE.
Patrick Bredehoft and I annually come together for a lunchtime conversation about one of Bob Dylan’s albums. In recent years we’ve done “Blood on the Tracks” and “Blonde on Blonde.” Last fall we talked about “Highway 61 Revisited.” Here are two video clips from that discussion (the entirety of which...
Otter Jung-Allen, Philadelphia’s Youth Poet Laureate, performs a poem called “Praise,” about their father. Otter Jung-Allen is a seventeen-year-old genderqueer poet and performer from West Philly. They are the coach of Science Leadership Academy’s Slam League team, a 2015 Brave New Voices International Champion, the 2015 Liberty Unplugged Champion, and the...