Category: life

Today on the turnpike (& more)

I made the four-hour drive home today from the mountains. The New Jersey Turnpike, the lively colors of which I often overlook (especially on a gray rainy day like this one), was fun to look at. Then when I drove through Center City Philly its colors struck me forcefully too....

West Philly’s early spring

It’s been a few days since I walked from home to campus. Today I took my camera and enjoyed West Philly’s early spring colors—built and natural. Click on an image for a larger view.

Out & about downtown

I went for two runs today around lower Manhattan variously. One jog was along the lordly Hudson. The other had me wandering and zigzagging through the Village. Here are four photos. Click on any image for a larger view.

Back in the garden

Today was my first day back in the garden since last fall. We have a tiny space in the back of our West Philly home, along the alley back there. Planted greens (pak choy, spring mix, arugula) and tended the chard (coming up from last year) and chives. Click on...


While in southern Florida the past few days I’ve been running early mornings and couldn’t resist a few shots that I posted to Instagram (@afilreis). I found people using the hashtag #floridaliving so I added the scenes I reckoned that that gathering.

birthday on the beach

61. Today. Best plan: bring the whole family to southern Florida to be with mom, soak in the sun, feel sand between the toes. Here are some photos — click on any photo for a larger view.

The year of my record

The New York Times is running a story today about college basketball pools. Throughout the 1980s I participated in an extremely elaborate one of these pools—derived complexly by Steve Brown. Through the mid-80s we were all together as graduate students at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. The Times story describes Steve’s innovation,...