01 Class: Introduction to Constantine’s Rome
Our visions of Rome now include
Modern city
Our story: from here
Arch of Constantine
To here:
St Peters
Some main themes
- Rome as a center in world history
- Rome as the center of the Latin church
- Rome as a political player in central Italy and beyond
- Rome as center of monumental buildings and art
- The development of urban spaces
Sources: primary and secondary
- History of art and architecture
- Archaeology
Italo Gismondi (1887-1974)
1935-71 worked Plastico: Museo della Civiltà Romana
Background: up to age of Constantine
Traditional founding April 21, 753 BCE
Kings: to 510 BCE
Republic: Consuls; senate
Princeps and principate: Octavian (27 BCE-14 CE)
Expansion: continues through 2nd c CE
3rd Century: general economic, social crisis
Diocletian (284-305): reforms
4 administrative units, 2 co-emperors
Constantine (306-337)
Reforms continue
313 recognizes Christianity (Edict of Milan)
324 decision to rebuild Byzantium as capitol; dedicated 330
Milan as western capital
401-2: Ravenna as western capital
The City:
Population estimates:800,000-1,000,000+
Trajan’s Market
Trajan’s market; main hall, 2007
Gismondi: Insula, Ostia