14: Rome and Italy
Paul III (1534-49) Alessandro Farnese
Palazzo Farnese begun 1517 (current: French Embassy)
St. Peter’s: Dome 1590 Facade 1612
Thirty Years’ War and Rome
- Enormous scale
- Succession and Holy Roman Empire: a Calvinist in position to become Emperor
- Began over religion and HRE: a Calvinist came to be in position to become Emperor
- New powers in Europe: Sweden (Lutheran)
- Political interests greater than confessional identity: France
Relevance to Rome
- re-established diplomatic relations, recognized papal states across Europe
- permanent losses of land, taxes in Protestant realms
- Fabio Chigi a papal diplomat: then elected as Alexander VII 1655-67
- Experience with Protestant leaders
- Mutual recognition of Protestant and Catholic states
- New powers: decline of Holy Roman Empire: France, Low Countries, Sweden
Rome after Thirty Years’ War
Building continues
heart of Catholicism in the world
Public works projects: streets bridges, urban planning (Porta del Popolo)
St Peter’s: Obelisk 1586
Dome 1590; Facade 1612
Piazza (Bernini) 1667
Some project completed in 18th c: ex: Trevi Fountain
Trevi Fountain 1453 Leon Battista Alberti (for Nicholas V)
Pilgrimage Churches: special attention
Foreign donors: Spanish Steps (18th c)
Cultural politics
Home for noted Catholic exiles
18th c ex: Charles Edward Stuart
Home for prominent political converts
Queen Christina of Sweden( 1626-1689) (ruled 1644-54)
The Festivities in Honor of Queen Christina of Sweden in the Cortyard of Palazzo Barberini, 28 February 1656
Rome as a center for art and antiquity
French Academy in Rome 1666
Bernini , Charles Le Brun, Jean-Baptiste Colbert
French Revolution: 1789 
1790: “Civil Constitution of the Clergy”
Reorganized Catholic Church in France
Church lands confiscated, funding from state
Diocese corresponds to département
Citizens elected priests and bishops
Rift among citizenry
Rome and Church align with anti-revolutionary forces (Pope: Pius VI)
Italian Campaigns of French Revolutionary Wars 1792-1802
Napoleonic Years (Emperor 1804-14, 1815)
Spread Revolution; then the new Empire
1798 Napoleonic armies occupy Rome; republic declared
Art works, church records, more taken to France
anonymous: Napoleon and Apollo Belvedere, taken to Paris 1797-1815
Suppression of many religious institutions
1809 Rome and Papal States annexed into French Empire
1814 Congress of Vienna
Pope returns to Rome
Canova supervises return of art works
Pius IX (1846-78)
1848 and revolutions
1848 constitution for Rome
1849 unsuccessful declaration of republic
Catholic Church and pope clearly aligned with conservatism
Kingdom of Italy 1861; House of Savoy; Florence as capital
Rome excluded with help from France, Austria
1862, 1867 Garibaldi attempts to capture Rome (guarded by French)
1870 Pius IX blesses troops before final loss of Rome to Risorgimento
- 1870 Italian troops enter Rome
Rome made capital after plebiscite
Pius IX refuses to recognize state: “prisoner of the Vatican”
Catholics expected not to recognize Italian state
1929 Lateran Treaty and Concordat: Pius XI and Mussolini
Papal sovereignty within Vatican City
Population: 500,000 before World War over 1,000,000 by 1930
Archaeology as field
Example: Rodolfo Lanciani (1849-1929) some of his maps
1920s-30s: Fascist urban planning
1932 demolition for the construction of Via dei Fori Imperiali
World War II:
1943 Allied invasion of Sicily
1943 July 24-25 Fascist Grand Council met in Rome
Recall king, dismiss Mussolini. Marshal Pietro Badoglio as Prime Minister
1944 June Allied forces in Rome
May 1946 abdication of King Victor Emmanuel III;
2 June referendum for republic
son Umberto II departs
Constitution; 1929 Lateran Treaty recognized
Major palazzi assigned to government institutions
Palazzo Chigi Presidente del Consiglio (Prime Minister) since 1961
- Palazzo del Quirinale Seat of the President of the Italian Republic
- Palazzo Madama Seat of the Italian Senate
- Palazzo Montecitorio Seat of the Italian Chamber of Deputies
- Palazzo della Consulta, seat of the Constitutional Court of Italy