07C Perspective

Brunelleschi’s perspective experiment: Baptistery





Masaccio, Trinity, Santa Maria Novella



Martin Kemp, The Science of Art (Yale, 1990).



Florence, S. Maria del Carmine, Brancacci Chapel, General view (Masaccio, 1424-28)

Masaccio, Expulsion from Paradise

Masaccio, Tribute Money



Alberti’s “veil”: Example: Giorgio Vasari, The Temptation of St. Jerome, 1541-48


Sassetti chapel, S. Trinita, Florence Domenico Ghirlandaio, Adoration of the Shepherds, 1485



Andrea Mantegna (1426-1506), Dead Christ


Botticelli, Primavera ca 1480

Botticelli, Birth of Venus 1485-86

Luciano Laurano (1420-79), Piazza



Antonio Pollaiuolo (1433-98, Hercules battling Hydra


Domenico Veneziano (1390-1461), St. Lucy Altarpiece