Category: ModPo

Answers to a few questions about MOOCs

Questions posed to me with a student in Germany doing a research project on MOOCs: Q. Technology has certainly made information more accessible, and it’s amazing to see the kind of pedagogy offered through MOOCs such as ModPo become freely available. The only drawback I see is a lack of...

Teaching online—a short statement

Someone asked me to write a short statement about online teaching. This is what I wrote: Teaching all-online courses—which I have done for many years by now—has completely refreshed my pedagogy. My students are intergenerational, diverse in all ways, typically geographically far-flung, and often living in communities underserved by educational...

A call to K-12 teachers

This is for teachers of K-12 arts & humanities: ModPo is a free 10-week course on modern poetry. Since its founding in 2012 teachers and their students have enrolled and enjoyed the poems, videos & discussions. The ModPo site includes our Teacher Resource Center (TRC), which offers video guides to...

ModPo comes to Montreal (October 4 & 6, 2018)

Each October the ModPo team travels to a city beyond—sometimes well beyond—our home at the Kelly Writers House in Philadelphia. This year we will be coming to Montreal. We will be hosting TWO ModPo events: 1) a live interactive webcast on Thursday, October 4, starting at 6:30 PM, in the Multifunctional Room of Webster...

Podcast interview with Rolf Potts (“Deviate”): on collaborative learning & the end of the lecture

Rolf Potts returned to the Writers House recently and, after leading a public program he and I went into the Wexler Studio to record an episode of his fine podcast series, “Deviate.” It was a long interview. Even after some editing, it’s still 93 minutes long. You can listen to...

ModPo thoughts of spring

Below is the text of a message I have sent to all ModPo people through the ModPo site. If you don’t currently have access to the site, please simply enroll or re-enroll here: Greetings from Philadelphia, and from the quaint 1851 cottage called “the Kelly Writers House”! Spring has finally...

ENGL 589 — Fall 2018 — Modern & Contemporary U.S. Poetry: Poetics & Pedagogy

English 589 – Modern & Contemporary U.S. Poetry: Poetics & Pedagogy Fall 2018 — Mondays 3-6 PM Arts Café, Kelly Writers House This survey of experimental modern and contemporary U.S. poetry will be taught collaboratively,* and its primary mode will be interactive and iterative. This will be simultaneously a course...

Filreis to host a poetry gathering in San Francisco on March 2

On Friday, March 2, starting at 6 PM, Al Filreis will be hosting a ModPo meet-up at Openhouse in San Francisco (located at 55 Laguna Street). We will do collaborative close readings of two short poems. If you would like to join Al and others at this gathering—and possibly for a SF outing afterwards—please...

ModPo filming at the Pacific

This morning we filmed a new ModPo video at the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica, California—on a poem by Whitman about walking along the beach. (Of course Whitman’s stroll was at night, and it was the Atlantic rather than the Pacific, but oh well.) Zach Carduner did the filming. Molly...