Archives Welcoming Event 2022 Dr. Serafín Coronel-Molina, Quechua scholar: recognition event Indigenous Latinx Project, event series 2/26 [talk] Quechua Geographies: Prof. Sandy Grande (UConn) Quechua Welcome Event 2020 (Virtual) Prácticas de instrucción en programa de revitalización del Zapoteco de Sierra Juárez Frances Kvietok-Dueñas: De derechos a ciudadanías lingüísticas, activismos digitales quechuas Replanteando la enseñanza quechua desde las ciudades, Yuly Tacas Andes, Cooperación y Educación: Cristóbal Suárez-Guerrero Walter Aparicio: Bolivian Music Recital 4/22 Quechua Game Night 2/13 Peruvian scholar Marcel Velazquez Castro at Penn Panel discussion: What does it mean to reclaim a language? Quechua writers Pablo Landeo-Muñoz & Irma Álvarez-Ccoscco Do you identify as an Indigenous student? Travel funds available Return to the Andes, Q&A and film screening 10/8 Quechua Welcome Event 2019 Symposium: Indigenous Languages Today [talk] Using Media to Promote Quechua LaDonna Brave Bull Allard at Penn: Indigenous Knowledge Systems Penn Native Community Council UN official Mirian Masaquiza at Penn Liberato Kani: Pioneer Peruvian Hip Hop Artist at Penn Penn will host the 2018 Quechua Alliance Annual Meeting Screening: ‘Life on the Napo River’ and conversation with filmmaker Lynn Levin [workshop] Myths around Quechua and Indigenous Languages [panel] Minoritized Languages: Global Perspectives Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, renowned Bolivian scholar, at Penn [talk] Peru's New Vision for a Multilingual State, with Agustín Panizo SPRING 2018: Elementary Quechua & Andean Culture I Indigenous Peoples Days 2017 in Philadelphia Quechua Cultural Night, 10/19, 6pm David Choquehuanca at Penn Quechua program Welcoming Event: guest-lecture by Prof. Rocío Quispe-Agnoli Fall 2017: Register for Quechua at Penn Bronx Llaqtamanta: Screening and Discussion with filmmaker Doris Loayza Native American Language and Culture Night at the Penn Museum [video] Indigenous Languages within the US immigrant communities Can Universities Save Indigenous Languages? The case of Quechua Kichwa Hatari at Penn: Running the First Kichwa-Language Radio Show in the United States Kuyayky celebrates Indigenous cultures at Penn Penn students were featured on Peru's Quechua-Language News Broadcast "Ñuqanchik" Spring 2017: Quechua Peruvian Community gathering with the Consul of Peru Julia García, promoter of Quechua and Bolivian culture at QSAM Andean Music Educators to be honored at UPenn [film series] Is the Quechua language on the rise or decline? Peruvian historian Cecilia Mendez will be the keynote speaker at "Thinking Andean Studies" [talk] "Visions of Nature in Quechua and Mayan Literature" by Charles Pigott PennSpectrum Weekend: discussing and celebrating cultural identity Penn Quechua language program: featured at the United Nations Second edition of the Quechua Student Alliance Meeting will be in November at UPenn Penn Quechua Faculty to speak at the United Nations FALL 2016: Register for Quechua at PENN Andean Research ProSeminar / Seminario de Investigación Andina Lluqhanchik, Bulletin of Quechua and Andean Culture, April Issue 'On Being Andean': Undergraduate Andean Studies Colloquium Screening of 'Living Quechua' and a conversation with Quechua-language activist Elva Ambía Lluqhanchik, new cultural bulletin by Quechua Penn Native American Cultural Night at the Penn Museum: Quechua, Nahuatl & Zapoteco News: An opportunity to strengthen the Andean research community Voices, images and sounds of the Quechua Alliance Meeting Quechua Student Alliance & Faculty Meeting at Penn Acclaimed Peruvian Filmmaker and writer at Penn: Augusto Tamayo Quechua & Nahuatl 'Spoken Word' Night at Penn Quechua Prof. Clodoaldo Soto-Ruiz will receive a tribute for his outstanding career 2016 Quechua Student Alliance Meeting Quechua at Penn (Fall 2015) Quechua professor Rodolfo Cerron-Palomino at Penn 2015 Thinking Andean Studies Conference April 17-18, Philadelphia Aymara Social Leader at Penn: Rosa Palomino [photos] Community Leaders and Scholars gather at the Penn Andean Studies Colloquium Inkarayku band to perform in Philadelphia at UPenn [talk] Aymara social leader Rosa Palomino on Andean Women empowerment at Penn Renowned Quechua-language researcher Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino will give a talk at Penn