Math Stuff

Hi All!

Here are my three favorite theorems.

1. The Hirsch-Smale Theorem.

2. Thom’s Theorem.

3. The Stable Parametrized H-Cobordism Theorem.




Here is a photo I made some years ago. I called it the “dragon julia set.” I can’t for the life of me remember the type of function that generated it, but if you do, please let me know.



I have a blog called Machine Appreciation with Maxine Calle, Thomas Brazelton, and Julian Gould.

Seminars Organized

2022-2023:  I co-oeganized the UPenn Homotopy Theory Seminar  with Thomas Brazelton.

2021-2023: I co-organized the Graduate Student Seminar with Yi Wang and Maxine Calle



Here are some talks I’ve given accompanied by handwritten notes of varying quality:


2023:Equivariant Linearization (TBP)

2022:Diffeomorphisms of disks

2022: Thom Spectra and Orientability

2021: Complex cobordism

2021:T(n) Local Tate Vanishing

2021: Topological spherical space form problem

2021: Obstruction theory

2021: Lubin-Tate Theory

2021:Rational Part of Quillen’s Theorem on MU

2021: Atiyah Hirzebruch Sequence notes Copy

2020: Topological spherical space form problem

2020: Introduction to Waldhausen K-theory

2019: Applications of equivariant topology to discrete math